Mundane things happen all the time it seems. The song to "Welcome Back Cotter" is dancing through my head this morning. It seems like nothing creative has drifted through my head in months, and nothing is ozzing out of my finger tips either. I have pictures on my digital camera that I need to get on the 'puter so I can share them with you...I just don't seem to find the time to sit down and just do it! The most exciting thing that is going on in my life involves my granddaughters, and they are too precious to describe. Well, ok, I am going to try to describe yesterday.
My oldest granddaughter, Callie, is in preschool until noon. Her mom had to work yesterday, and Callie had decided that my mom, granny, would pick her up at noon, cause nana (daughter's mil) needed a break. Which of course came out Callie's mind and not nana's. My mom picked her up, they went shopping, Dollar store, Goodwill, who knows where else. Callie asked granny, "Nana's birthday is soon, can we pick up an inexpensive gift for her, please?" Now, Callie is 4, where does she come up with this stuff, "inexpensive?" She picked out a hairbrush, they got a gift bag and put tissue in it. She was so excited to have a gift for her nana. Granny brought Callie to me, and the plan was for me to take her home. She was at my house for a couple of hours, so never stops talking, my oh my, my ears are tired when she goes home, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. She wanted to do some 'scrapbooking' which she has neither seen me do that, or her mother, though I used to do it all the time. I gave her a magazine and some scissors, I gotta get some left-handed ones, she is a lefty. Anyway, a family trait is when concentrating, really concentrating, the tongue gets stuck out of the corner of the mouth, or twisting and moving the mouth, she has got it...when she was cutting out of the magazine her tongue and mouth was working every which way. I told my son to sit beside me and watch Callie cut, he says, I can see from here. I told hiim, not what I see you can't. He knew immediately when he sat down to look at her face. It is just too precious. When we left for me to take her home she asked what I was gonna do after I took her home. i said go to the store and then fix papa something to eat. She says, "How about a hot dog?" i said, "He had that last night!" "Umm!" she says, "How about a sandwhich?" I say, "He had that for lunch!" "Umm! How about a burger?" "Hmmm! That might be an idea!" It actually ended up being chilli, but she thought she had helped me pick out papa's dinner. For all of you out there who have grandchildren, I know you understand this...and for those of you that will someday, someday you will...People have said, you love your grandchildren more. I just don't believe that is possible. I love my children, and my grandchildren. The responsiblity part is different. I don't have to do dishes, I don't have to do laundry. If I want to play outside while they are at my house, who cares...moms and dads have to accomplish the tasks of having a home, having a career/job and being a parent. It is a difficult task...for me, the mamaw all I have to do is love and hug, and try to help teach and mold along the way.
When the mundane things of life get overwhelming, it is such a blessing to think of the blessings that God gives us along the way, and one of those things are my grandchildren.
Have a blessed day!
PS - the reason I have time this morning to write is cause the Maytag repair man, oops, I mean furnace man is servicing our unit this I sit here and wait for him to finish...
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